Next Mighty Woman Gathering: Tuesday, April 1
We hope you will join us on Tuesday, April 1 , as we discuss the life of Lydia.

Lydia was a businesswoman and held power, honor, and independence, but that all came in second to helping spread the gospel. She used her resources to help propel the Gospel outside of the Jewish world.

Join us for a great breakfast/coffee or dinner (salad bar), worship, table talk, and a message that will encourage you in your faith.

We hope that you will join us on the first Tuesday of each month at either our 9:30 AM or our 6 PM Gathering. Mighty Women Gatherings will go from September 2024 to May 2025. Mighty Women AM & PM Gatherings will provide the same worship and teaching. Mighty Women Gatherings are free, but RSVP is appreciated. 

This season we will be going through a different woman of the Bible each month.

 AM Gathering: Join us from 9:30 am to 11 am for a light breakfast, worship, teaching Nicole Dickey, and table discussion. Mighty Women AM Gathering offers child care (with reserved space). RSVP is requested for all attendees but required for those who need child care. Doors open at 9 am, with child care opening at 9:15 am. Worship starts at 9:30 am.

PM Gathering: Join us from 6 pm to 8 pm for dinner, worship, and teaching by Nicole Dickey. Dinner is served from 6 - 6:30 pm, with worship starting at 6:30 pm. Child care opens at 6:15 pm. RSVP is requested for all attendees but required for those who need child care. Can’t make it in time for dinner? That’s ok, the worship and program don’t start until 6:30 pm.

Future Mighty Women Gatherings & Teaching Schedule:

  • September: Mary of Bethany knew the value of time with Jesus. She would be remembered as the woman who sat at his feet and anointed Him with oil. We will dig into Mary's life and how she truly worshiped her savior.

  • October: Sarah waited and waited and waited on God. Although she didn’t always make the best decisions while waiting, God was still faithful in delivering on His promises. In the end, she learned never to limit God’s abilities.

  • November: Hagar was an Egyptian slave who was given as a gift to Abraham and Sarah. When Sarah doubted God’s promises, she sent Hagar in to bear a child with Abraham. Hagar’s situation was not of her choosing, but amid her anguish, God was pursuing her.

  • December: Hannah’s life was filled with pain and sorrow as she couldn’t have what she craved most in life: to be a mother. Through her grief, she found strength in God and remained persistent in prayer. She teaches us a beautiful lesson in how if we are faithful, God will also be faithful.

  • January: Rachel had beauty and brains, but things still did not go her way. Her life was not a fairytale; instead, it was filled with tensions, good and bad decisions, and disappointment from others. Through it all, she maintained a heartfelt relationship with God.

  • February: Leah longed to be loved, and when men made her feel unwanted, God would send her reminders that He had not forgotten her. After years of trying to fill the void in her heart with love from others, she would focus on God’s beautiful favor and find fulfillment.

  • March: Dorcas was a disciple of Jesus who made a real difference in her local community. She was creative with her talents and used them to help love others. She lived a life of charity but would be remembered for returning to life after death.

  • April: Lydia was a businesswoman and held power, honor, and independence, but that all came in second to helping spread the gospel. She used her resources to help propel the Gospel outside of the Jewish world.

  • May: Eve was easily tricked when she was convinced that God was withholding from her. Although many have blamed her for their troubles, truthfully, we all have given in to the oldest lie in history. We will dig into how God truly knows what’s best for us.

Why Join a Mighty Women Gathering:

Our goal is to help our VBF gals grow their relationship with Christ through accountability and community. Mighty Women Gatherings offer us the opportunity to meet face-to-face over breakfast/dinner, worship, and a teaching. This session our focus is on going through a different woman in the Bible each month and what God desires us to learn from them.


Feel free to email Nicole Dickey at